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to gratify

  • 1 grātificor

        grātificor ātus, ārī, dep.    [gratus+2 FAC-], to do a favor, oblige, gratify, please: mihi gestu: Romanis, court the favor of, L.: populo potestas honeste bonis gratificandi: qui gratificantur cuiquam quod obsit illi, do as a favor: odiis Seiani Ta.— To give up, surrender, yield, sacrifice, concede: populo et aliena et sua: potentiae paucorum libertatem suam, S.: quod populi sit, L.
    * * *
    gratificari, gratificatus sum V DEP
    oblige, gratify, humor, show kindness to; bestow, make a present of

    Latin-English dictionary > grātificor

  • 2 mōrigeror

        mōrigeror ātus, ārī, dep.    [morigerus], to comply with, gratify, humor, yield: adulescenti, T.: voluptati aurium.
    * * *
    morigerari, morigeratus sum V DEP
    be compliant/indulgent to; gratify; humor

    Latin-English dictionary > mōrigeror

  • 3 beō

        beō āvī, ātus, āre    [cf. bonus], to make happy, gladden, bless: te, gratify, T.: caelo Musa beat, rewards, H.: Munere te, H.: Latium divite linguā, H.: O factum bene, beasti, I am delighted, T.
    * * *
    beare, beavi, beatus V TRANS
    bless, make happy, gladden, delight; enrich (with)

    Latin-English dictionary > beō

  • 4 blandior

        blandior ītus, īrī, dep.    [blandus], to fawn, soothe, caress, fondle, coax: cessit tibi blandienti Cerberus, H.: modo blanditur, modo... Terret, O.: mihi per Pompeium: patri ut duceretur, etc., L.: votis suis, i. e. believes what he wishes, O.—To flatter, make flattering speeches, be complaisant: qui litigare se simulans blandiatur: pavidum blandita, timidly coaxing, O.: mihi: eis subtiliter: patruo suo, O.: ne nobis blandiar, i. e. to speak plainly, Iu. —Fig., to please, soothe, gratify: quam voluptas sensibus blandiatur. — To entice, allure, invite: ignoscere vitiis blandientibus, Ta.: suā blanditur populus umbrā, O.
    * * *
    blandiri, blanditus sum V DEP
    flatter, delude; fawn; coax, urge, behave/speak ingratiatingly; allure; please

    Latin-English dictionary > blandior

  • 5 gerō

        gerō gessī, gestus, ere    [GES-], to bear about, bear, carry, wear, have, hold, sustain: vestem, N.: ferarum pelles, Ta.: anguīs inmixtos crinibus, O.: in capite galeam, N.: spolia ducis, L.: dextrā sceptrum, V.: Virginis os habitumque, V.: cornua matres Gesserunt, i. e. became cows, O.: tempora tecta pelle, O.: squalentem barbam gerens, with, V.: distentius uber, H.: Seu tu querelas sive geris iocos (of a jar), contain, H.— To bear, carry, bring: saxa in muros, L.: cum pro se quisque (terram) gereret, L.— To bear, bring forth, produce: arbores, O.: mālos, V.: quos gerit India lucos, V.: Terra viros gerit, O.—Fig., to bear, have, keep, entertain, cherish, experience: pro noxiis iras, T.: fortem animum, S.: mixtum gaudio animum, L.: Ante annos animum, V.: personam, support a character: Mores, O.: aliquod nomenque decusque, V.: veteres inimicitias cum Caesare, Cs.: de amicitiā gerendā libri: in Romanos odium, L.: aliter atque animo gerebat, respondit, i. e. with dissimulation, S.— To exhibit, display, assume: in adversis voltum secundae fortunae, L.: prae se quandam utilitatem.— To carry out, administer, manage, regulate, rule, govern, conduct, carry on, wage, transact, accomplish, do, perform: rem p.: res p. egregie gesta est, L.: magistratum: terrā rem, i. e. to be in command, L.: se et exercitum more maiorum, S.: male rem, manage business: dum ea geruntur, meanwhile, Cs.: dum haec Romae geruntur, happen, S.: etsi res bene gesta est, the war, Enn. ap. C.: in conspectu Caesaris res gerebatur, the action, Cs.: occasio rei bene gerendae, for a successful blow, Cs.: gladio comminus rem gerit, fights, Cs.: gestis aequanda pericula rebus, exploits, Iu.: a rebus gerendis senectus abstrahit, public affairs: quid negoti geritur?: bello gesto, L.: auctores in gerendo probabiles: a spe gerendi abesse: intus Digna geri, off the stage, H.: geram tibi morem, gratify: gerere mihi morem, please myself, T.: ut homost, ita morem geras, every man to his humor, T.: ut utrique a me mos gestus esse videatur.—With se, to bear, act, behave, deport oneself: nos summissius: truculentius se quam ceteri: se turpissime: me in hoc magistratu: ita nos, ut, etc.: se medium gerere, remain neutral, L.: pro colonis se gerere, claim to be, L.: se pro cive: Dis te minorem, i. e. revere, H.: meque vosque in omnibus rebus iuxta, treat you as myself, S.: nec tecum talia gessi, treat you thus, V.
    * * *
    gerere, gessi, gestus V
    bear, carry, wear; carry on; manage, govern; (se gerere = to conduct oneself)

    Latin-English dictionary > gerō

  • 6 in

       in    [old indu], prep. with acc. or abl.    I. With acc., in space, with verbs implying entrance, into, to: in Epirum venire: in flumen deicere: in Ubios legatos mittere, Cs.: Thalam pervenit, in oppidum magnum, S.—Fig.: in memoriam reducere: in animum inducere, L.: dicam quod mi in mentemst, T.—With verbs of motion, up to, to, into, down to: in caelum ascendere: in aram confugitis ad deum, up to the altar: vas in manūs sumere, into his hands: se in manūs Romanis tradidisse, L.—With verbs of rest or placing, in: adesse in senatum iussit: Minucius in custodiam habitus, thrown into prison and kept there, L.: propinquas suas nuptum in alias civitates conlocasse, Cs.—Of direction or local relation, towards, in front of, over against: in orientem Germaniae obtenditur, Ta.: coram in os te laudare, T.: castra movet in Arvernos versus, towards, Cs.: in Galliam versus movere, S.—In time, into, till, for: dormiet in lucem, till broad day, H.: in multum diei, L.: e somno, quem in diem extrahunt, Ta.: indutias in triginta annos impetraverunt, for thirty years, L.: in omne tempus, forever: hominem invitavit in posterum diem, for the following day.— In adverbial expressions with words of time: sancit in posterum, ne quis, etc., hereafter: res dilata est in posterum, to a later day: et in praesentia hi et in futurum metum ceperunt, L.: in perpetuum fore: non in tempus aliquod, sed in aeternum, L.: ex raptis in diem commeatibus, for immediate use, L.: fundum emere in diem, i. e. a fixed day of payment, N.: in dies singulos, each succeeding day: in dies, day by day, L.: nos in diem vivimus, for the moment: in diem et horam, every day, H.: in horas, hourly, H.—Of reference, in relation to, about, respecting, towards, against: id, quod est in philosophos dictum, concerning: carmen, quod in eum scripsisset: in liberos nostros indulgentia: impietates in deos, against: in dominum quaeri, as a witness against: invehi in Thebanos, N.: hominis definitio una in omnīs valet, applies to: in obsequium pronus, H.: in utrumque paratus, V.: in incertum, ne, etc., in view of the uncertainty, whether, L.—Of purpose, for, with a view to: haec civitas mulieri in redimiculum praebeat: Regium in praesidium missa legio, as a garrison, L.: in gratiam sociorum, to gratify, L.: Quos audere in proelia vidi, V.: praemia, in quorum spem pugnarent, L.: in spem pacis solutis animis, L.: Ingrata misero vita ducenda est in hoc, ut, etc., H.: satis in usum, for immediate wants, L. —Of result, to, unto, so as to produce: in familiae luctum nupsit: Excisum Euboicae latus ingens rupis in antrum, V.: commutari ex veris in falsa. —In the phrases, in tantum, so far, so greatly: nec In tantum spe tollet avos, V.: in tantum suam felicitatem enituisse, L.—In rem esse, to be useful, avail: si in rem est Bacchidis, T.: imperat, quae in rem sunt, L.: in rem fore credens universos adpellare, S.—Of manner, according to, after: ille in eam sententiam versus, to this effect: in utramque partem disputat, on both sides: cives servilem in modum cruciati, like slaves: vaticinantis in modum canere, L.: virtutem in maius celebrare, S.: in hanc formulam iudicia: sc. in haec verba factum, L.: in universum, in general, L.: in universum aestimanti, upon a general view, Ta.—Of distribution, into, for, according to: Gallia divisa est in partīs trīs, Cs.: describebat censores binos in singulas civitates, i. e. for each state: sextantibus conlatis in capita, a head, L.—Praegn.: in eorum potestatem portum futurum intellegebant. would fall: in potestatem Locrensium esse, L.    II. With abl., of space, in, within: in cerebro animi esse sedem: quae res in nostris castris gererentur, Cs.: in foro palam Syracusis: (caedes) in viā facta: nupta in domo, L.: copias in castris continent, Cs.: in tuā sedeculā sedere: Heri coīmus in Piraeo, T.: navis et in Caietā parata.—Of position, on, upon, over, among, before, in, under: in equo sedens, on horseback: in eo flumine pons erat, over, Cs.: multā te in rosā urget, H.: Caesaris in barbaris erat nomen obscurius, among, Cs.: in Brutiis praeesse, L.: in manu poculum tenens: est in manibus oratio: gloria in oculis sita, S.: populari in oculis eius agros, under, L.—In, with, wearing, under, clad, covered: in veste candidā, L.: in lugubri veste, Cu.: homines in catenis Romam mittere, L.: in violā aut in rosā, garlanded: legiones in armis, Cs.—Of a multitude or number, in, among, of: In his poëta hic nomen profitetur suom, T.: sapientissimus in septem: eum in tuis habere: iustissimus unus in Teucris, V.—Of writings, in: in populorum institutis aut legibus: in Timaeo dicit: perscribit in litteris, hostīs ab se discessisse, Cs.: in Thucydide orbem modo orationis desidero, in the style of.—Fig., of mind or character, in: in animo habere: quanta auctoritas fuit in Metello!: in omni animante est summum aliquid.—In phrases, with manibus or manu, at hand, under control, within reach: quamcunque rem habent in manibus: neque mihi in manu fuit Iugurtha qualis foret, in my power, S.: cum tantum belli in manibus esset, on their hands, L.: quorum epistulas in manu teneo.—With loco: in eo loco, in that state, in such a condition: in eo enim loco res sunt nostrae, ut, etc., L.: quo in loco res esset, cognoscere, Cs.: quod ipse, si in eodem loco esset, facturus fuerit, L.—In eo esse ut, etc., to be in such a condition, etc.: cum in eo esset, ut, etc., the situation was such, L.—Of time, in, during, in the course of, within: in tempore hoc, T.: in tali tempore, L.: in diebus paucis, T.: Tam in brevi spatio, T.: in omni aetate: in totā vitā inconstans.—In, while, during: fit, ut distrahatur in deliberando animus: in dividendo partem in genere numerare: in agris vastandis, in laying waste, Cs.: cum in immolandā Iphigeniā tristis Calchas esset.—In phrases, in tempore, in time, at the right time, seasonably: ipsum video in tempore huc se recipere, T.: spreta in tempore gloria interdum cumulatior redit, L.—In praesentiā, at present, now, for the moment, under existing circumstances: sic enim mihi in praesentiā occurrit: id quod unum maxime in praesentiā desiderabatur, L.—In praesenti, for the present: haec ad te in praesenti scripsi, ut, etc.: talenta centum in praesenti, down, L.—Of condition or occupation, in, subject to, affected by, experiencing, engaged in, involved in: magno in aere alieno: torpescentne dextrae in amentiā illā? L.: diem in laetitiā degere, T.: civitas, quae tibi in amore fuit, beloved: in invidiā esse, L.: quod in summis tuis occupationibus voluisti, etc., when engrossed by: in eo magistratu pari diligentiā se praebuit, N.: esse in vitio, in the wrong: hoc est in vitio, perhorrescere, etc., is wrong.—In the case of, in relation to: numcubi meam Benignitatem sensisti in te claudier? in your case (i. e. towards you), T.: facere in eo, cuius, etc., in the case of the man, Cs.: in furibus aerari, S.: Achilles talis in hoste fuit, V.: in hoc homine saepe a me quaeris, etc., in the case of.— In phrases, with summā, in all, in a word, in fine: in omni summā me ad pacem converto.—With neut. sing. of an adj. (expressing more abstractly the quality): cum exitūs haud in facili essent (i. e. haud faciles), L.: in obscuro vitam habere, S.: in dubio esse, L.: in integro esse: in tuto esse, L.: in aequo esse, L.: in aperto esse, S.: in promisco esse, L.: in incerto haberi, S.    III. In composition, in retains its n before vowels, and before h, c, d, f, g, consonant i, n, q, s, t, v, usually also before l and r, and very frequently before m, b, p. But the n is usually assimilated before m, b, p, and often before l, r.
    * * *
    in, on, at (space); in accordance with/regard to/the case of; within (time)
    into; about, in the mist of; according to, after (manner); for; to, among

    Latin-English dictionary > in

  • 7 iuvō

        iuvō iūvī, iūtus (iuvātūrus, S.), āre    [DIV-], to help, aid, assist, further, serve, support, benefit: aut consilio aut re, T.: non multum ad summam victoriae, Cs.: alquem commeatu: domum atque liberos, H.: te portuque locoque, by affording harbor and house, O.: Audentīs Fortuna iuvat, V.: nostros commeatūs periculo suo, further: qui salutari iuvat arte fessos, H.: deis iuvantibus, with the help of, S.: me, dis iuvantibus, exspecta: quid te iuvat iudicium?: Nos aliquid, a little, V.: quorum opibus iuvantur, Cs.: viatico a me iuvabitur, L.: iuvat Ismara Baccho Conserere, it is of use, V.: quid docuisse iuvabat? O.—To delight, gratify, please: quod iuvat, id faciant, S.: Non omnīs arbusta iuvant, V.: nec me vita iuvaret, L.: Multos castra iuvant, H.: iuvit me, tibi tuas litteras profuisse, I was delighted: haec olim meminisse iuvabit, will be a pleasure, V.: thure iuvat Placare deos, H.

    Latin-English dictionary > iuvō

  • 8 ob-sequor

        ob-sequor cūtus (not quūtus), ī, dep.,    to comply, yield, gratify, humor, submit, be accommodating: tibi, T.: huic: voluntati tuae: imperio, Iu.: uti de Pompilio referrent, senatui, L.—To yield, give up, indulge: animo, T.: huius cupiditati: studiis suis, N.: irae, Cu.

    Latin-English dictionary > ob-sequor

  • 9 pāreō

        pāreō uī, —, ēre    [2 PAR-], to appear, be visible, be at hand: caeli cui sidera parent, are intelligible, V.— Impers, it is clear, is evident, is manifest: factumne sit? at constat. A quo? at paret: si paret fundum Servili esse, if it be proved.—To obey, be obedient, submit, comply: meis dictis, T.: dicto pare, Enn. ap. C.: praecepto illi veteri: ei, uti deo: imperio, Cs.: paret incerta duobus (ventis), is swayed by, O.: dicto paretur, L.— To be subject, be dependent, be subservient: animus, qui nisi paret, Imperat, must be slave or master, H.: nulla fuit civitas, quin Caesari pareret, Cs.: virtuti omnia parent, S.— To submit, comply, indulge, gratify, yield: consuetudini: religioni potius vestrae quam odio.— To satisfy, fulfil, accomplish, pay: promissis, O.
    * * *
    parere, parui, paritus V INTRANS
    obey, be subject/obedient to; submit/yield/comply; pay attention; attend to; appear, be visible, be seen; be clear/evident (legal)

    Latin-English dictionary > pāreō

  • 10 pāscō

        pāscō pāvī, pāstus, ere    [PA-], to cause to eat, feed, supply with food: bestias: plures calones atque caballi Pascendi, H.— To feed, nourish, maintain, support: holusculis nos, feed with vegetables: quos dives Anagnia pascit, V.: servos, Iu.: volsis pascunt radicibus herbae (me), V.— To pasture, drive to pasture, attend: sues: greges armentaque, O.: non, me pascente, capellae, cytisum carpetis, V.— Pass, to be fed, feed, graze, pasture: si pulli non pascentur, L.: pascitur in magnā Silā iuvenca, V.: carice pastus acutā, V.: iterum pasto pascitur ante cibo, chews the cud, O. — To feed, supply, cherish, cultivate, let grow: barbam, H.: paverunt Pergama flammas, fed, O.: polus dum sidera pascet, feeds (with vapors), V.: nummos alienos, pile up debts, H.— To pasture, give as pasture: asperrima (collium), V.— To graze, browse: pascentes capellae, V.: saltibus in vacuis, V.: mala gramina, V.: apes arbuta, V.— To consume, lay waste, ravage, desolate: vestros campos, L.—Fig., to feast, delight, satisfy, feed, gratify: oculos, T.: quos Clodi furor incendiis pavit: supplicio oculos: animum picturā, V.: spes inanīs, cherish, V.: his ego rebus pascor, his delector, feast myself: maleficio et scelere pascuntur, live by: Pascere nostro dolore, O.
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    pascere, pavi, pastus V
    feed, feed on; graze

    Latin-English dictionary > pāscō

  • 11 serviō

        serviō (-vības, -vībō, T.), īvī, ītus, īre    [servus], to be a servant, be enslaved, serve, be in service: liberaliter, T.: in liberatā terrā liberatores eius servire, L.: qui Libertate caret, Serviet aeternum, H.: populum R. servire fas non est: lenoni, T.: homini nemini: domino: Athenas victas Lacedaemoniis servire pati, N.: apud nos: servitutem, C., L.—Fig., to be devoted, serve, labor for, aim at, have regard to: tibi serviet, tibi lenocinabitur: amicis, N.: nostris commodis: suo privato compendio, Cs.: oculis civium: pecuniae: posteritati: rumoribus, Cs.: valetudini: ut communi utilitati serviatur.— To be subject, be governed by, be enslaved to: nulli cupiditati: cupiditatibus iis, quibus ceteri serviunt, imperare.— To comply with, court, humor, gratify, conform: aliorum amori: auribus Vari, i. e. flatter, Cs.: tempori.—In law, of lands, to be under a servitude, be subject to an easement: praedia, quae serviebant.
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    servire, servivi, servitus V
    serve; be a slave to; with DAT

    Latin-English dictionary > serviō

  • 12 adlibesco

    adlibescere, -, - V INTRANS
    be pleasing, gratify; be roused with desire (for)

    Latin-English dictionary > adlibesco

  • 13 adlubesco

    adlubescere, -, - V INTRANS
    be pleasing, gratify; be roused with desire (for)

    Latin-English dictionary > adlubesco

  • 14 allibesco

    allibescere, -, - V INTRANS
    be pleasing, gratify; be roused with desire (for)

    Latin-English dictionary > allibesco

  • 15 allubesco

    allubescere, -, - V INTRANS
    be pleasing, gratify; be roused with desire (for)

    Latin-English dictionary > allubesco

  • 16 gratifico

    gratificare, gratificavi, gratificatus V TRANS
    oblige, gratify, humor, show kindness to; bestow, make a present of

    Latin-English dictionary > gratifico

  • 17 juvo

    juvare, juvi, jutus V
    help, assist, aid, support, serve, further; please, delight, gratify

    Latin-English dictionary > juvo

  • 18 libidinor

    libidinari, libidinatus sum V DEP
    gratify/indulge lust/passion

    Latin-English dictionary > libidinor

  • 19 lubidinor

    lubidinari, lubidinatus sum V DEP
    gratify/indulge lust/passion

    Latin-English dictionary > lubidinor

  • 20 morigero

    morigerare, morigeravi, morigeratus V INTRANS
    be compliant/indulgent to; gratify; humor

    Latin-English dictionary > morigero

См. также в других словарях:

  • Gratify — Grat i*fy, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Gratified}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Gratifying}.] [F. gratifier, L. gratificari; gratus pleasing + ficare (in comp.) to make. See { fy}.] 1. To please; to give pleasure to; to satisfy; to soothe; to indulge; as, to… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • gratify — (v.) c.1400, to bestow grace upon; 1530s, to show gratitude to, from Fr. gratifier (16c.) or directly from L. gratificari to do favor to, oblige, gratify, from gratus pleasing (see GRACE (Cf. grace)) + root of facere make, do, perform (see… …   Etymology dictionary

  • gratify someone's desire — gratify someone’s desire/need/curiosity etc/formal phrase to give someone what they want, or to tell them what they want to hear Thesaurus: to provide something needed or missingsynonym Main entry: gratify …   Useful english dictionary

  • gratify someone's need — gratify someone’s desire/need/curiosity etc/formal phrase to give someone what they want, or to tell them what they want to hear Thesaurus: to provide something needed or missingsynonym Main entry: gratify …   Useful english dictionary

  • gratify someone's curiosity — gratify someone’s desire/need/curiosity etc/formal phrase to give someone what they want, or to tell them what they want to hear Thesaurus: to provide something needed or missingsynonym Main entry: gratify …   Useful english dictionary

  • gratify — index accommodate, bestow, consent, favor, grant (concede), pander, sanction, satisfy ( …   Law dictionary

  • gratify to excess — index overindulge Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • gratify — *please, delight, rejoice, gladden, tickle, regale Analogous words: content, *satisfy: indulge, humor, pamper Antonyms: anger: offend, affront (by inattention): disappoint (desires, hopes) …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • gratify — [v] give pleasure; satisfy appease, arride, baby*, cater to, coddle, content, delectate, delight, do one proud*, do the trick*, enchant, favor, fill the bill*, fulfill*, get one’s kicks*, gladden, hit the spot*, humor, indulge, make a hit*, make… …   New thesaurus

  • gratify — ► VERB (gratifies, gratified) 1) give pleasure or satisfaction. 2) indulge or satisfy (a desire). DERIVATIVES gratification noun gratifier noun gratifying adjective. ORIGIN …   English terms dictionary

  • gratify — [grat′i fī΄] vt. gratified, gratifying [Fr gratifier < L gratificare, gratificari, to oblige, please < gratus, pleasing (see GRACE) + ficare, FY] 1. to give pleasure or satisfaction 2. to give in to; indulge; humor 3. Archaic to reward SYN …   English World dictionary

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